With loads of extra functionality and a whole host of new features built into the latest electronic products, it makes sense get up to speed on your to system and get professional training.
Our training facility at our Bristol office runs a series of short, 1 day intensive courses on some of the most popular systems we sell. They aim to provide you with the techniques to get the best from your system and can also cover installation and interfacing for DIY installers.
Courses are endorsed by the manufacturers and are designed around small user groups to get the best possible knowledge transfer. Book today by calling 01179 114111 or email judith@mesltd.co.uk
"I found the Raymarine C series course really informative and we found some features that even the manual had missed."
JF London
"I had struggled for 6 months trying to get radar overlays and MARPA target tracking to make sense and work properly. Thanks to course, it's now crystal clear and working very well"